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Press Release

STATEMENT: Trump’s GOP Allies Plan To Cut Unemployment as They Protect Wall Street, Wealthy & Well-Connected

By July 22, 2020July 23rd, 2020No Comments

In response to reports that Republicans are discussing lowering the expanded unemployment benefit to $400 a month, Protect Our Care’s Coronavirus War Room Director Zac Petkanas issued the following statement: 

“It’s outrageous that after Donald Trump ran our economy to the ground, his Republican water carriers in Congress are talking about further screwing hardworking families by cutting unemployment benefits by a staggering $2,000 a month.

“There’s a reason polling shows that voters believe Trump and Republicans in Congress care more about the wealthy and big corporations than average people. At the same time they’re puncturing the life raft keeping families afloat financially, they are talking about giving big corporations special legal immunity if they endanger their employees’ lives by forcing them back on the job in the middle of a pandemic. Not to mention passing a multi-billion dollar slush fund that doles out coronavirus relief dollars to their wealthy friends and family members. 

“Every day, they make it clear to Americans where their priorities are: with the wealthy, well-connected Wall Street elite and against families struggling to get by.”