SHOT: New data shows that President Biden’s American Rescue Plan is the “most popular key legislative/executive action since the [minimum] wage hike of 2007.” [Twitter, @gelliottmorris, 2/24/21]
[Twitter, @gelliottmorris, 2/24/21]
CHASER: Republicans are willing to set themselves ablaze politically just to deny President Biden a bipartisan vote.
CNN: GOP begins new push against Biden’s relief plan as Republican leaders expect no defections in the ranks
Key Point: “Republican leaders in both chambers are maneuvering to keep all of their members in line against the $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief plan, a move that would deny President Joe Biden a bipartisan victory and one that could scuttle the bill in the Senate if any Democrat breaks ranks.But the move amounts to a political risk for Republicans with polls showing clear majorities of Americans supporting an emergency rescue package and with the economy still reeling from the coronavirus pandemic.” [CNN, 2/24/21]